Over the last few years most IFA practices now have a website.
However many still insist the internet is not producing, however the fact is its their websites that are not as the internet now provides the major insurers with over 60% of their new business.
It is still only a relatively small number of IFAs who have truly embraced this new source of enquiry.
Search Engines drive 90% of Internet Traffic and that means 90% of people who are there looking for financial advice too. If you are not appearing on the first two pages of Google for your chosen keywords or phrases then your chances of getting the client are slim.
There are two solutions to this:-
1. Ensure you are not targeting impossible keywords i.e. if your page is optimised for the word "pensions" or "financial adviser" then you have little or no chance. However if you optimise for (say) "financial advisers in yourtown" then you shouod easily be able to achieve a top 10 listing on some of the major search engines, maybe all.
2. Having chosen targeted key words you then need to optimise the site. There are two ways to do this.
Firstly you can engage a search engine optimisation company. This is generally expensive and many make ridiculous guarantees. Do NOT use a web "design" firm, that's like going to a doctor to have a tooth pulled.
Secondly you can do it yourself. This isn't as hard as it seems - see the links below.
Axandra SEO Software - Top 10 in Google Guaranteed providing you follow their instructions.
Axandra FREE SEO Brochure.
Axandra's iBP product is the most highly regarded SEO software on the market and is used by the likes of Ebay, Zurich, Canon. For a list of their users click here.
It is also very affordable ($249.95 - about £130).
However there is a FREE Trial you can download and if you do upgrade there is a Money Back Guarantee if you don't get the top 10 place on Google.
Search Engine Marketing
16 years ago